These are some recent images I shot while on the set of a short film my friends Nicholas Mah and Travis Alford are doing. I don't want to give away too much but it does involve a typewriter (and not in a good way!) If the actor here looks familiar it's probably because you've seen him in Nick and Travis's film Sobaka. ...Or probably not, but he has been in many other wonderful things where you may have seen him, including the "Bood Light" ad from a couple of years ago. Yes, the one with the mind of mencia guy. Anyways, his name is Boris Kievsky and he was a really nice guy and a joy to work with. Please check out his IMDB here and you can find him on facebook and twitter of course. My thanks to Nick and Travis for granting me access into the belly of the beast and everyone else on set who tolerated me getting in their way. I do what I can.