Tuesday, March 27, 2012

A Case of the Mondays: Episode 2 "The League of Evil"

 We've all been there, another start of the week and we find ourselves at the office when we'd rather be somewhere (ANYWHERE!) else. Just then, a well meaning, if inopportune, co-worker cuts through your daydreams of riding on the backs of dolphins with the sun in your hair and a barracuda in your teeth chasing down monsoons off the coast of Perhentian Besar with, "ohhh, looks like someone has a case of the Mondays!" Well, I want to change all that. This is the second installment of "A Case of the Mondays," a photo comic strip or, as those more adventurous call it, "or fumetti." It's no Malaysian tropical island, but hopefully it's something that can ease those "Monday" moments at work even if those "Monday" moments aren't on a Monday. Enjoy!

Friday, March 23, 2012

Honolulu, Oahu, Hawaii, USA

I recently returned from Hawaii where I had the honor and privilege of shooting my sister's wedding. It was a whirlwind 5 day trip and I'm not really sure it happened. However, I have a bunch of pictures that say otherwise and here are just a few.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Guest Blogger Dan Wonderly, Miami...NASCAR...Poetry

220 AMPs
welding coil gristle, caked upon the hull,
fluxen rods and leather burn, with the metal’s call.

rolling back a sleeve, shining ember knife
the fiber-optic nomad splits a molten pipe.

inner ear-drum wafers shatter in the scream;
as bended knees and grinding discs shave the steel so

sandwiched like a membrane, the surface glows in gray;
while grounding clamps groan slightly, as the circuit
makes its stay.

Two hundred twenty amps of fire,
pumped in nano-rhythmic time-

Compounds fuse in waltzing blitz
and now the bead declines.

the physics lay a dreamscape for minds that pulse in waves
while pirates stoke their sails, in search of golden

Poem and all images ©Dan Wonderly. To view more from the mind of Dan Wonderly go to http://www.wonderlyworld.blogspot.com/