There's an old adage that goes something like, "there's now such thing as luck, only being prepared when opportunity arises" and that's kind of how this image came about. I went out a couple of weeks ago to shoot a completely different shot, but when the sun started going down the sunset was completely amazing. So, immediately all the gear was picked up and we ran to the middle of the nearby field, set up again, and started shooting. The sunset was so surreal that it reminded me of a Dali painting and I decided that a "floating" subject with this particular pose would be fitting. And so I preceded to jump and re-jump (if that could be a word) as the sun set, hoping that one of the shots would make it all worthwhile. I think it worked out pretty well. It all happened so fast there wasn't much time to think only react and what was strange on looking at the images later was that I realized they were strangely familiar. They reminded me of many dreams I've had where I was able to fly. I think I was in my early 20's the first time I was able to fly in my dreams. And...there was also time for outtakes!

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