Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Fort Collins-There is Color Here

Today was my first day of full on shooting in the new town. Walked around and got to know the place a little. Still getting used to the light here, it's different, but I'm not sure how. Maybe it's the lack of air pollution? Maybe that makes the light "purer"? Something to do with the elevation? I don't know. The sun seems to be at a different angle in the sky. And I don't know if this will become a "Fort Collinsville" type project. We'll see how things go. It's a good way to get to know the town, though. I found some color today amongst other things. For more images of the day click here.

1 comment:

  1. Surly that can not be the same VW of legend long ago....what next a shot of the VC? -STL
