Monday, August 13, 2012

'Suspended Cords' at Cuppy's Coffee Shop

You may remember a ways back a post I did about photographing headphone cables during "Creativity Week" here on the blog. Well, as promised, here are more images from that series. I wanted to hold off posting anything further until I found a place to show the work. Now, thanks to Cuppy's Coffee Shop at 353 W. Drake here in Fort Collins, they have a home on the wall. So, if you're in the neighborhood, you can stop by and get your caffeine and art fix at the same time. And, if you were so inclined, you could probably even get in touch with me and I'd probably meet you down there.

These images are the result of hours of throwing cables into the air. Sometimes I'd get something interesting, though most times I'd get a mangled ball of cords or just a blank frame. There's no digital manipulation here. After photographing Goletaville, where everything in the frame became very purposeful, measured, and precise, I needed to do something completely different. I needed to delve into randomness. I don't remember why I started throwing cables into the air and photographing them, but the first time I did I was reminded of the beauty and expressiveness of a line. A feeling I hadn't had since my days in art school. In hindsight, it makes perfect sense that this would come about after Goletaville. It being a project where I returned, in a way, to high school. Art school followed quickly thereafter.

Line drawings and blind contour drawings were always my favorite things to do in class. I also love the line drawings of Pablo Picasso and Henri Matisse. Actually, I think I photograph because I can't draw or paint, so I'm always trying to emulate those guys in some manner. And let's not forget Joan Miro.

Lastly, these are for sale, so if you are interested in purchasing any please contact me at These are inkjet prints available in 5x7, 8x10, or 13x19 personally printed by me on Ilford Galerie Smooth Pearl paper unless otherwise requested. The edition is open. Thanks!

1 comment:

  1. too cool! Love the undulating gestural lines that are created
